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Reviewers Section

All respectful assigned reviewers are advised to follow below instructions for a clear and thorough review:

1. Please be sure that the manuscript fits with your study field

2. Please schedule for an on-time review so that we could consider your feedback in due time

3. Please give a full review for all manuscripts’ sections beginning from the title to ending references

4. Please be suspicious about any misconducting procedures or misleading information

5. Minor English errors could be easily proofed by the IJCA editors, so please give a full attention to content rather than the English structure. You may remind us about the non-comprehendible texts as well.

6. You are encouraged to check the manuscripts against any plagiarism issues

7. Please do not hesitate to let us know about any issues about originality of the work you are currently review

8. The best way to send your hints and comments is the IJCA reviewing form; also you are welcome to contact the Editor-in-Chief via her Email Address (rozitahoseini@yahoo.com)

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