Pediatric Cardiologist, Ali Asghar Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (1287 Views)
Backgrounds: Pericardial effusion, once common among dialysis patients, has become a rare entity in recent years. Due to its low incidence, its recognition has gained importance among internists, cardiologists, and nephrologists. It can be seen in pre-dialysis patients and in dialysis patients who are on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
Methods: A retrospective study was performed. The subjects consisted of all hospital admissions of the patients suffering from ESRD and pericardial effusion within a 5-year period. The clinical manifestations at admission, echocardiography and treatment modalities of the patients were recorded.
Results: We reported 8 cases of dialysis- associated pericarditis, their presenting manifestations, and the literature review. The traditional findings of acute pericarditis such as chest pain, fever and leukocytosis were uncommon among the patients. Muffled cardiac sounds have a relatively high incidence and should be emphasized on auscultation of patients under dialysis. Not infrequently, it might be complicated by pre-tamponade or tamponade requiring pericardiocentesis or pericardial surgery.
Conclusion: Dialysis- associated pericardial effusion is a treatable, but not always a preventable condition. Timely recognition of its presence and its efficient management suggest essential elements of successful treatment.
Keywords: ESRD, pericardial effusion, clinical manifestations, treatment