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Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-2019)                   IJCA 2019, 5(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Raesi A, Beigi B, zafaranloo N, Moshfegh F. Document of Comprehensive Model for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit the Pattern of Assimilation of the Neonatal Care System (Central NICU Model). IJCA 2019; 5 (1)
URL: http://ijca.iums.ac.ir/article-1-163-en.html
Iran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (1527 Views)
Background: The science of neonates in the world doesn’t  have an old background and it is about 70 years that  has become separated from pediatric medicine(1,2) ;but  this science has had a lot of improvements during these years .Despite incredible advances in the care of premature infants, today’s scientists are facing many unresolved issues, including limits of viability, cost of care, quality of life for intensive care “graduates” (into their adult lives), and an ever-increasing battle against opportunistic nosocomial microorganisms.(6,7).Currently in our country there aren’t  enough pediatricians for the treatment of the hospitalized infants in NICU and also lack of primary services and equipment’s( specially the primary services) will increase the death rates and morbidity among the infants .In our country there are plenty of NICUs that don’t  have enough pediatricians to diagnose the disease,  or  to  treat  infants.  In some cases, there are plenty of equipment but some pediatricians because of their lack of knowledge don’t know how to use them; so they will be referred to other NICUs. So the main purpose of executing this model is to assimilate neonatal intensive care services according to the services performed in the central units till they become autonomous in their neonatal staff tools and equipments and in their scientific diagnosis and treatments.
This is the first time that this project is going to be executed under the command of the head of the University of Medical Sciences and Health Services’ and its main purpose is to reduce the death rates among infants and also reduce the dispatching progress from local units to the center units.
The main purpose of this project is to decrease the mortality, morbidity and   referral of neonates to other centers that are more equipped. In this project the neonatal specialists that are reside in the central NICU are going to consult and help the pediatricians in local NICU who have problems in detecting the diagnosis and treating infants.
Method: This will be done by presenting a plan to the Central NICU, offering a plan  to the local NICU (how to communicate and inspect – how to admit a patient from local units to the central units – educating the local personnel including pediatricians and nurses), launching the comprehensive project of central NICU, conducting a survey on the number and function of nursing system and pediatricians, personal tutoring in the field of communications and supervising the local NICU and pediatricians tutoring in theory and practical methods .
Conclusion: The main purpose is to reduce the death rates among infants and also to decrease the dispatching progress from the local units to the center units. We can use the proficiency of the central NICU for the local ones till they become independent from other systems, and by performing this project we can reduce the rate of mortality, morbidity, mental retardation and the side effects during hospitalizations and so it will be more cost effective for the government as well.
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Other

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