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Volume 3, Issue 4 (11-2017)                   IJCA 2017, 3(4): 9-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Noorazar S G, Kalejahi P. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in children with Attention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder in Tabriz. IJCA 2017; 3 (4) :9-12
URL: http://ijca.iums.ac.ir/article-1-96-en.html
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Abstract:   (2131 Views)
Background: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a major public health issue leading to an increased risk of child mortality and has a negative effect on cognition and physical development. It has been suggested as a possible cause of the Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). So we decided to estimate prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in children with this disorder.
Methods: A total of 295 children and adolescents with ADHD aged 3-18 based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria after parental consent enrolled the study and 5 ml blood was taken to measure hematological parameters.
Results: The mean±SD age of children was 7.6±3.54 years. Forty-five point one percent of boys and 49.1% girls had serum ferritin levels lower than normal and 19.7% had extremely low serum ferritin level.
Conclusion: Low levels of ferritin may be associated with ADHD symptoms and suggest that children with this disorder screening and treatment for anemia.
Full-Text [PDF 245 kb]   (1005 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Other

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